Development of Biodegradable Pots from Wastes of Cockle Mushroom Cultivation

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Chatree Homkhiew
Nasaporn Thammachot
Worapong Boonchouytan


Unleavened cockle mushroom lumps from mushroom cultivation were often eliminated by piles in the rubber plantations for decomposing in nature or incineration, resulting in an impact on the environment. However, the wood sawdust contained in the mushroom lumps is a natural material that can be developed into a seedling pot. Thus, the objective of this research is to develop the seedling pot from unleavened mushroom lumps, which investigates the effect of sawdust from unleavened cockle mushroom lumps in a range of 120-150 grams and concentration of the binder form cassava starch in a range of 100-150 grams per half liter of water. The results from the experiment showed that an increase of sawdust from old cockerel lumps as a pot mixture in range of 120-150 grams resulted in an increase of water absorption percentage with the same concentration of cassava starch. Also, an increase of sawdust as a pot mixture in range of 120-135 grams resulted in an increase in vertical and horizontal compressive forces with the amount of wood sawdust. Likewise, it was also found that with the same amount of sawdust, an increase of cassava starch concentration in range of 100-150 grams per half liter of water resulting in percentage of porosity and percentage of water absorption was reduced, but the vertical and horizontal compressive forces clearly increased with concentration of the binder. Furthermore, the pots from sawdust in all formulations had no cracks or any damage when dropped from a height of 60 centimeter. Finally, the seedling pot made from 120 grams of sawdust and 150 grams of tapioca starch per half liter of water is suitable for use in the production of seedling pots due to the best growth of plants in different dimensions. As a result, the sawdust from old mushroom lumps contains high amounts of major trace elements, and rubberwood sawdust contains more primary nutrients than other wood sawdust.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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