Carbon Storages in Tropical Rain Forest, Case Study: Ban Papong Community Forest, Thamod District, Phatthalung Province

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Anut Kiriratnikom
Suphada Kiriratnikom


The research objective was to evaluate carbon storages in tree biomass, soil (0-30 centimeter (cm) depth) and evaluate the potential for carbon dioxide adsorption in tropical rain forest, Ban Papong Community Forest, Thamod district, Phatthalung province. The random sampling for surveying of plant species was undertaken by 40x50 square meter (m2) sample plot (6 plots). The results showed that the plants in Ban Papong Community Forest composed of 99 species, 72 genus in 41 families, which were divided into the group of trees that contain 74 tree species, 58 genus in 34 families, 72 sapling species, 57 genus in 31 families and 50 seedling species, 44 genus in 27 families. Ban Papong Community Forest had a total of carbon sequestration 158.30 tonne carbon per hectare (C/ha), in plant biomass 134.36 tonne C/ha (131.46 tonne C/ha in tree, 2.42 tonne C/ha in sapling and 0.48 tonne C/ha in seedling) and 23.94 tonne C/ha of carbon sequestration in soil. Most of the carbon stored in biomass was 84.87%. The Ban Papong Community Forest can adsorb CO2  580.43 tonne carbon dioxide per hectare (CO2/ha).

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