การลดความสูญเสียในการเก็บเกี่ยวหัวมันสำปะหลังด้วยวิธีการถ่วงน้ำหนักที่ตำแหน่งผานขุดแบบจานโค้งชนิดติดท้ายแทรกเตอร์ Reduction of Cassava Tuber Loss during Harvesting by Weight Addition on a Curved-Plate Digger Mounted to a Tractor.

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bundit suri
Kiatsuda Suvanapa



This experiment aims to study the losses reduction in cassava roots harvesting by using a curved plate ploughed type (attached to a tractor) to increase weight at the position of the digging disc. The data collection was conducted at a cassava field planted with Kasetsart 50 variety and harvested at age 8. The planting and harvest methods were followed the conventional methods practised by farmers at Kalasin, Thailand. This study investigated the physical properties of cassava rhizome before digging, the depth of digging curved plate without weight (typical depth of digging used by the farmer) and the depth of digging curved plate attached with 50 kg. weight. The results showed that the depth of cassava roots buried beneath the soil surface has a mean value of 20.97 cm, the highest value 29.30 cm, and the lowest value 14.50 cm. The depth of digging curved plate without weight has a mean value of 19.07 cm, covering the depth of cassava roots beneath the soil surface in the field, 48.89 %. The harvest by adding weight at the digging disc increases the depth of digging curved plate 3.13 cm. or equal to the total depth of digging curved plate 22.20 cm, which cover the depth of cassava roots beneath the soil surface of the field, 81.11 %. Thus, adding weight at the position of the digging disc reduces the losses in cassava harvesting by 0.99 %, which improves the effectiveness of harvesting and income for farmers in an average of 117.56 Bath. Rai-1

Article Details

Post-harvest and food engineering


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