Effects of drying temperature and air velocity on sweet corn seed quality
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Seed drying is an important step in seed conditioning process to evaluate the optimum drying temperature and air velocity of sweet corn seed that harvest with high moisture content. The study on the effect of drying temperature and air velocity on sweet corn (SM 1315) seed quality were conducted. The experiment was split-plot in completely randomized design with 4 replications. Three drying temperatures at 38, 40 and 42°C were main plot and three levels of air velocity of 2.3, 3.3 and 4.30 m/s were sub-plot. The results showed that sweet corn seed drying by increasing drying temperature and air velocity, the moisture content decreased. Whereas, it did not affect to germination, vigor as determined by accelerated aging (AA) and field emergence. Whereas, temperature had significantly different to mean germination time, germination index, shoot and root length. Drying temperature at 38°C exhibited faster mean germination time and higher germination index, shoot and root length than those of 40 and 42°C. However, no significant difference was found in air velocity on mean germination time, germination index, shoot and root length. Therefore, drying temperature at 38 and 40°C with air velocity 4.3 m/s had optimum for sweet corn seed drying, because it did not affect to germination and vigor as determined by AA and highly speed of germination and seedling growth.
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