Relationship of stomata and leaf color to the resistant level against rust disease of corn

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Wanpen Chalorcharoenying
Weerasak Saksirirat
Bhalang Suriharn
Kamol Lertrat


Accurate, rapid and effective screening techniques for disease resistance is necessary for plant breeding aiming to increase disease resistance in crop species. The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationships among leaf stomatal characters and leaf color with rust (Puccinia polysora Underw) resistance levels in 11 accessions of corn. Corn accessions were evaluated for rust resistance in the dry season 2014/2015 at 7, 14 and 21 days after flowering (DAF). Data were also recorded for stomatal characters and leaf color at V11 growth stage. The accessions NS3 and Fancy111 had moderate to high levels of rust resistance. Disease scores for rust resistance evaluated at 7, 14 and 21 DAF were positively correlated with width of stomata at adaxial leaf surface (r=-0.77** -0.70* and-0.73**, respectively), width of stomata at abaxial leaf surface (r = -0.79** -0.76* and -0.79**, respectively) and leaf color (r = -0.59** -0.67** and -0.66**, respectively), but they were not correlated or had low correlations with number of leaf stomata and length of leaf stomata (both in adaxial and abaxial). The results suggests that width of leaf stomata on adaxial and abaxial and leaf color can be used for indirect selection of corn at preliminary stage to increase resistance to rust.

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How to Cite
Chalorcharoenying, W. ., Saksirirat, W. ., Suriharn, B. ., & Lertrat, K. . (2016). Relationship of stomata and leaf color to the resistant level against rust disease of corn. Khon Kaen Agriculture Journal, 44(4), 677–686. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (research article)


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