Effects of replacing soybean meal with yeast fermented wet soybean waste in concentrate diet on feed intake, digestibility and blood metabolite in beef cattle
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The objective of this research was to investigate the effect of replacing soybean meal with yeast fermented wet soybean waste in concentrate diet on feed intake, digestibility and blood metabolite in beef cattle. Four steer Thai native cattle 1-1.5 years old with average bodyweight of 180 ± 30 kg were allocated into 4x4 latin square design. Each group was fed a concentrate diet using yeast fermented wet soybean waste (YEFSW) replacement for soybean meal (SBM) at four ratios which consisted of 100:0, 67:33, 33:67 and 0:100, respectively. Four periods were conducted with each period lasted for 21 days. The results showed that using YEFSW as a protein source replacement for SBM did not affect blood metabolite (P>0.05) but the cattle received YEFSW replacement for SBM at 0:100 had the highest roughage intake, concentrate intake and total feed intake (P<0.01) follow by YEFSW replacement for SBM at 67:33, 33:67 and 0:100, respectively while the digestion coefficient in the group of cattle received YEFSW replacement for SBM at 33:67 had the lowest (P<0.05). Moreover, feed cost of YEFSW replacement for SBM at 0:100 had the lowest at 8.09 Baht/kg. Based on these results, it could be summarized that yeast fermented wet soybean waste can be used as protein replacement for soybean meal in concentrate diet. However, this research still has limited data if the rumen ecology, rumen end-products, microbial protein synthesis as well as nitrogen balance could be added it will help to conclude the result completely.
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