Needs of agro-tourism development of farmers in KOH LADEETAN, Sam Phran district, Nakhon Pathom province
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This research objectives were to study basic personal factors, participation in tourism activities, agricultural conditions and needs of agro-tourism development. The sample group of this study was 253 farmers. Data were collected by using an interview schedule from January to April 2019. Data analysis implied descriptive statistics including descriptive and inferential statistics. Statistic to examine the hypothesis were t-test, F-test and Least Significant Difference. The results found that most farmers were male (55.70). The average age was 52.54 years old and educated level was under bachelor's degree (87.40). The average agricultural income was 160,869.57 baht per year and agricultural expense was 47,412.45 baht per year. Farmers received an agricultural extension (64.00), agricultural information (43.50) and received information on the development of tourist attractions in the area (43.50) from media activities. Farmers had never participated in agro-tourism activities in the area (79.10). The main plant that grown in the area was grapefruit (79.80). Farmers used their funds (96.80) and household labors in agriculture (83.00). Farmers had needs of the development of agro-tourism at an average as a moderate level (mean 2.16). The hypothesis testing results found that farmers received an agricultural extension, received agricultural media exposure, received information on the development of tourist attractions in the area, participated in tourism activities in the area, number of agricultural areas, capital sources, type of labors, production maintenance and water management in the different aspect . There was a statistically significant level of needs of agro-tourism development at 0.05 and 0.01 which could be adapted to plan and support to meet the needs of farmers more appropriately.
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