Developing DNA markers specific to Waxy gene for application in the breeding program of black glutinous rice from Riceberry rice

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Vaiphot Kanjoo
Ratha Pha
Waravut Losuk
Nirut Potapunya
Theerayut Toojinda


Breeding program of fragrant black glutinous rice from a non-glutinous rice cultivar Riceberry (RB) will use RD6 glutinous rice as the donor parent to for introgression of Waxy gene which regulates amylose content in rice grain. It affects to cooking and eating qualities and determines the types of glutinous or non-glutinous rice. This research aims to develop the DNA markers specifics to Waxy gene for genotyping in breeding program of fragrant black glutinous rice with high nutrition in RB genetic background. Three DNA markers including waxy-1, waxy-2 and waxy-3 were developed specific to the region of 5' end, middle and 3' end of Waxy gene, respectively. There were used to survey the genotypes of 61 varieties of rice germplasm. Genotyping results displayed 6, 3 and 2 DNA band patterns from those DNA markers, respectively. Of the three markers, only waxy-1 marker can be separated RB allele from glutinous rice RD6. Therefore, waxy-1 marker was genotyped in the F1 rice population from the crossing between RB x RD6. The result presented that F1 plant clearly displayed heterozygous genotype of Waxy allele. The present study indicates that the waxy-1 marker can be used for following a glutinous rice RD6 allele of Waxy gene which was introgressed into the improved rice lines derived from this crossing. In addition, this DNA markers may be applied in other rice breeding projects.

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How to Cite
Kanjoo, V. ., Pha, R. ., Losuk, W. ., Potapunya, N. ., & Toojinda, T. . (2021). Developing DNA markers specific to Waxy gene for application in the breeding program of black glutinous rice from Riceberry rice . Khon Kaen Agriculture Journal, 49(5), 1288–1300. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (research article)


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