DNA markers related to anthocyanin contents and pericarp color in F2 progenies of the cross between Pathumthani 1 and Kham Noi
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Rice with purple pericarp has high anthocyanin accumulation. Anthocyanin synthesis is controlled by OsB1 and OsDFR genes. In this study, relationship between the DNA markers of OsB1 and OsDFR genes and anthocyanin content was performed in 300 plants of F2 populations of the cross between white pericarp rice as female parent (Pathumthani 1) and purple pericarp rice as male parent (Kham Noi). Analysis of the relationship between genotype of DNA markers and phenotype of anthocyanin content and pericarp color by simple regression method was investigated. The result indicated that only OsB1, a functional marker, was highly related with anthocyanin content and pericarp color which had R2 equivalent to 31.9%. The segregation of pericarp color in F2 population showed color: colorless ratio of 3:1 consistent with the genotypic ratio of OsB1 gene, suggesting that pericarp pigmentation requires at least a single dominant allele of OsB1 gene. Anthocyanin content in F2 population was analyzed by HPLC method and the result revealed that the highest cyanidin-3-O-glucoside (C3G) content of 39.52 mg / 100 g of DW was found in F2 progeny with dark purple pericarp. Therefore, the DNA marker of OsB1 gene could be used to select rice with anthocyanin content and pericarp color. This marker will be beneficial for marker-assisted selection of rice plants at early stage of growth which will be convenient and shorten time for breeding rice with high nutritional value.
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