Analysis of effective land use methods to enhance economic fruit production in Thailand
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This study analyzed land use and crop management methods that are currently used in Thailand to grow nine important economic fruit tree crops, specifically longan, durian, mangosteen, lychee, pomelo, coconut, tamarind, mango, and banana trees, for the purpose of determining the best agricultural methods of enhancing their production. The analysis relied on geographic information and crop data for 2018-2019 collected from all regions of Thailand; the various crop regions were mapped according to land units, administrative districts and land use patterns. Factor analysis was used to analyze the land characteristics that differentiate various land use classes to determine inappropriate land use practices. The results showed that the majority of fruit trees (68.71%) in Thailand were being grown in non-suitable areas (N). More detailed analysis revealed that seven of the fruit tree crops (longan, lychee, pomelo, coconut, tamarind, mango and banana) were grown in non-suitable (N) areas due to inappropriate soil characteristics, particularly inappropriate management of water content and soil moisture. The non-suitable planting areas of the other two fruit plants (durian and mangosteen) were due mainly to the acidity of soil alkalinity. The results indicated that in order to enhance the potential of longan, lychee, pomelo, coconut, tamarind, mango and banana fruit tree crops, development efforts should focus on better water management and improved irrigation systems, including water saving technology, and innovation leading to new plant varieties. As for durian and mangosteen, improvements in land management should focus on ensuring better soil conditions and reduced soil acidity, as well as innovation in appropriate plant breeding. However, the specific development or innovation that would be most effective to enhance the production potential of fruit tree plants should take into account the specific soil and land conditions of the area where the trees are grown.
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