Production of Ratchaburi Aromatic Coconuts Based on Thai Geographical Indications

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Chadaporn Pokaisawan
Nopthira Jawaut
Rattiya Ngarmrabum


Ratchaburi aromatic coconuts refers to aromatic coconuts from a Dwaft variety known as “Green Pig”, having greenish skin, pleating patterns on the bottom, ovoid or ellipsoid shape, two thick layers of meat, and sweet water that smells like pandan leaves. The production of Ratchaburi aromatic coconuts covers 7 districts including Damnuensaduak, Watpleng, Bangpong, Muang, Bangphae, Paktho, Photharam in Ratchaburi province. To guarantee and maintain the best quality of coconut kind based on geographical indications, the relevant government entities have established the quality and standard control of the production.

The quality and standard control of Ratchaburi aromatic coconut production based on geographical indications consisted of the following process: 1) preparation of the plantation land, 2) planting operation, 3) selection of the authentic variety for seedling, 4) plantation environment which included rain water and weather condition, 5) fertilization, 6) addition of organic fertilizers, 7) weeding, and 8) harvesting.

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บทความวิชาการ (Academic Articles)


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