The Development of Preserved Tamarind Packaging for Export Processed Fruit Producer Community Enterprise in Ban Khlong Chon, Sa Kaeo Province

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Pasuree Rittilert
Annapha Suklim
Wissawat Patcharawit


Preserved tamarind from Exporting Processed Fruit Producer Community Enterprise in Ban Khlong Chon, Sa Kaeo province were packed in aluminum foil zip lock pouch with clear front window. The problem was zip lock bags were bloated and torn during transportation. Therefore, this research aimed to study effects of a new package on the quality of preserved tamarind during storage. In this study, preserved tamarind were packed in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) cans with valve silver peel of end aluminum lid, sealed by a can sealing machine and stored at temperature room (30±2 °C) for 10 days and refrigerator temperature (4±2 °C) for 28 days. New product label was also designed. Results showed that preserved tamarind could be stored at room temperature only for 4 days and at refrigerator temperature longer than 28 days. Temperature had an effect on the quality of preserved tamarind as they became pale yellow, lightness (L*) increased, yellowness (b*) decreased and alkalinity increased. Total soluble solid decreased with statistical significance (p ≥ 0.05).  Sensory evaluation revealed that consumers gave decreased preference scores to preserved tamarind stored at room temperature and refrigerator temperature from very much liked to moderately liked and neither liked nor disliked, respectively, Throughout the storage period, total bacteria count was less than 1x106 colony-forming units per gram (CFU/g) and total yeast and mold count was less than 1x103 CFU/g, which did not exceed the standard required by Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI). With regard to the product label design, consumers gave satisfaction scores towards the new product label as it is attractive, clear, and communicate the outstanding point of preserved tamarind at a high level, accounting for 83.60%. The new package can be used actually to solve the damage problems during transportation and can be used as a guideline for other kinds of preserved fruits.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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