The Study of Compression Process and Mechanical Properties of Food Containers from Coconut Shell Fiber

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Worapong Boonchouytan
Tanwalai Chirandorn
Russamon Yuraphan
Chatree Homkhiew
Jatuporn Jaidumrong
Sasiprapa Temsirimongkon
Panathat Nukhiao


The objectives of this research were to study the production of the food package made of coconut husk fiber and properties of the food package made of coconut husk fiber. Factors in the study were hot compression molding with two levels of temperature, 150 and 170 degrees Celsius and three levels of time required in the hot compression molding process, namely, 4, 6, and 8 minutes at 1,000-2,000 pound-force per square inch. Mechanical properties were measured, which included the maximum average compressive strength of the top view, the maximum average compressive strength of the side view, the maximum average tensile strength, and water absorption. The test results indicated that the maximum average compressive strength of the top view and side view was 1.90 and 2.58 mega Pascal (MPa) at 150 degrees Celsius. The time required for the hot compression molding was 8 minutes, and the maximum tensile strength of the was 2.48 MPa at 150 degrees Celsius. The time required for the hot compression molding was 8 minutes, and water absorption was 14 minutes 60 seconds at 170 degrees Celsius. The time required for the hot compression molding was 8 minutes. Therefore, the appropriate status for the hot compression molding process of the food package made of coconut husk fiber was 150 degrees Celsius for 8 minutes as the package had an overall smooth texture and was strong. Its natural color can be maintained with good mechanical properties. According to the survey on satisfaction with the food package made of coconut husk fiber, it was found that the mean satisfaction score was 3.19, at a moderate level.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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