Application of Marine Fish Processing Waste in Formulated Diet on Growth Performance and Fillet Chemical Composition of Asian Seabass (Lates calcarifer Bloch, 1790) Reared in Fresh Water

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Jamjun Pechsiri
Thaweedet Chainapong


Marine fish processing waste contains high amount of nutritional values. The present study aimed to investigate the efficiency of marine fish processing waste in the formulated diets on growth performance, survival rate, fillet chemical compositions and feed cost of Asian seabass (Lates calcarifer Bloch, 1790) reared in fresh water. A completely randomized design was formulated comprising three experimental diets which included a diet containing dried form of marine fish processing waste and marine fish amino acids (T1), a diet containing dried form of marine fish processing waste (T2), and a commercial diet for marine fish (T3). The fingerling fish with initial body weight of 27-29 gram (g) were reared in fresh water cement tanks for four months. The results showed that the highest growth performances were found in T2 fish. The mean final weights, weight gain, and average daily gain of T2 fish were 385.7±12.0 g, 1,282.69±46.69%, and 2.98±0.09 g per fish per day, respectively. Also, the lowest feed cost per gain (41.09±3.98 baht per kilogram (kg)) was found in T2 fish. Whereas, T1 fish was found with the highest protein (85.47±1.57%) in the fillet but having the lower survival rate (83.30±3.30%) than T3 fish (93.30±3.30%). This study demonstrated that the dried form of marine fish processing waste can be used as a protein source in high protein diet for Asian seabass reared in fresh water.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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