Effects of Gender and Weight Factors on Survival Rate in Mud Crab (Scylla spp.)
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This study was to determine the effects of gender and weight on survival rate of mud crab
(Scylla spp.) by completely randomized design (CRD). The experiment was divided into four treatments:
1) female mud crab; 68.73+3.65 g, 2) female mud crab; 94.73+6.99 g, 3) male mud crab; 69.60+5.16 g,
4) male mud crab; 94.26+5.45 g. The study on survival rate of the experiments was set at 6 weeks.
The result showed that the average survival rate of treatment 1, 2, 3 and 4 were 33.33, 73.33, 46.66 and
80%, respectively. Moreover, the survival rate of treatment 1 and 3 were significantly (P<0.05) from
the treatment 2 and 4. Furthermore, the study aimed to investigate causes of crab mortality. The results
were that 72% of the crabs died naturally and another 28% because of molting problem. As a result,
the farmers should use female and male crab with average weight of 94.73+6.99 g and 94.26+5.45 g
for the culture in order to reduce production lost caused by mortality resulting in less income.
Article Details
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