ลักษณะทางสัณฐานวิทยาของหงส์เหินชนิด <I>Globba winitii Gagnep</I>.

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วีระอนงค์ คำศิริ
ฉันทนา สุวรรณธาดา


Morphological study of white Globba winitii Gagnep. was carried out, observing from the plants at various stages of growth and development. It showed that the plant was monocotyledonous bulbous plant having green and slender stem. The plant produced compact rhizomes with some storage roots attached to each rhizome. The root system was fibrous. The leaf phyllotaxis was spiral. The leaf comprised of a leaf sheath folded around the stem and a green lanceolated lamina. The inflorescence was hanging, long and loose racemose penicle, bearing white bracts along the rachis. The yellow florets were found located at the axils of bracteoles of each rachilla. The flower was of asymmetrical perfect type with short pedicel. Sepals were 3 in number. Corolla comprised of 3 ordinary petals and 3 petaloid staminodes. One petaloid staminode modified as a lip. The basal parts of sepals and petals were fused forming calyx tube and corolla tube, respectively. The flower had only one normal stamen. The pistil obtained a long thread -like style located along the filament furrow. The ovary was inferior and mono-loculed. Ovules attached parietally to placenta. The oblong-shaped pod was of capsule type containing large oval seeds.

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