Identification of Some Thai Isolates of Root-knot Nematodes <I>Meloidogyne</I> spp. by PCR Technique

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Thanakorn Chanmalee
Waraporn Prakob
Waraporn Prakob


Ten isolates of root-knot nematodes were isolated from soil collected from epidemic area of provinces in northern and northeastern Thailand. The nematode populations were multiplied by planting the 30 days old tomato cultivar Seeda in each soil sample. Pure cultures of each root-knot nematode isolate were prepared by using the single egg-mass inoculation technique. Identification of the species of Meloidogyne spp. with perineal pattern of the mature female indicated that root-knot nematode isolates CM1, CM2, CM3, LP1 and LP2 were M. incognita whereas isolates LN1, LN2, UB1, UB2 and TK1 were M. javanica. Identification by using PCR technique with the use of primer pair 194/195 that is specific to tropical species (M. incognita, M. arenaria and M. javanica) and also primers that are specific to each species demonstrated that all ten isolates corresponds with the results from their perineal patterns. Therefore, it can be concluded that species identification of Meloidogyne spp. by the use of PCR technique is quick and accurate.

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