Heritability and Correlations of Agronomic Characters in Tenera Oil Palm Hybrid

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Wasapong Eksomtramage
Theera Eksomtramage


The objective of this study was to estimate the heritabilities of agronomic characters (oil yield, bunch yield and its components and vegetative characters) and the correlations of their traits in oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.). Nine half-sib progenies of eight years old tenera hybrid which were derived from the crossing between one pisifera and nine dura parents were studies during the period of January 2007 to December 2008 at  the Klong Hoi Khong Research Station, Faculty of Natural Resources, Prince of Songkla University, Thailand.  Eight  palm samples per progeny according to a completely randomized design were used to record the characters. The variance analyses of progenies showed that fresh fruit bunch (FFB) yield, number of bunch (NB), fruit/bunch (F/B), kernel/bunch (K/B), oil/wet mesocarp (O/WM), trunk size, leaf area and leaf dry matter weight were significantly difference. These characters had medium to high heritabilities varied between 51 to 100% and had significantly positive correlations with oil yield. So selections for such traits are useful for oil yield improvement in oil palm.

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