Identification and Expression Pattern of EgBADH2, Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase in Tenera Oil Palm

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Jirasak Wichasawasdi
Anuruck Arunyanark
Sontichai Chanprame


The Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase (BADH) is a gene controlling the synthesis of an enzyme in the glycine betaine (GB) biosynthesis pathway. GB is an osmoprotectant that is found in higher plants that synthesize and accumulate it in cells in response to drought stress. The objectives of this study were to clone the full-length of the EgBADH2 gene of the Tenera oil palm and to study the expression pattern of this gene in the oil palm under conditions of water deficit. The results indicated that the full length of the EgBADH2 gene was 1,512 bp and
it encoded a protein of 503 amino acid residues. From the phylogenetic tree analysis performed, it was found that the EgBADH2 gene is closely related to the BADH2 gene, which is present in a range of plants including
Cocos nucifera, Phoenix dactylifera, Musa acuminatemalaccensis’ and Ananas comosus. The gene expression pattern analysis of 14 days water deficit stressed oil palm plants indicated that the expression levels of the gene after 0, 1 and 2 days of stress were 1±0.04, 0.87±0.07 and 0.74±0.53, respectively, results which were not significantly different. However, significant differences of gene expression levels at the 95% confidence interval were observed for plants subject to between 4 and 14 days of water deficit stress. Therefore, the expression of the EgBADH2 gene was reduced when the oil palm seedlings were subject to water deficit stress for about 14 days.

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How to Cite
Wichasawasdi, J., Arunyanark, A. ., & Chanprame, S. . (2020). Identification and Expression Pattern of EgBADH2, Betaine aldehyde dehydrogenase in Tenera Oil Palm. King Mongkut’s Agricultural Journal, 38(1), 24–33. retrieved from
Research Articles


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