Examination of Host Plants and Quantity of Ectomycorrhiza (Astraeus odoratus) Suitable for Promoting Ectomycorrhiza Rooting of Dipterocarpaceae Seedlings under Greenhouse Conditions
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Mycorrhiza are a type of fungus that arise from the symbiosis between fungi and plant roots. This study examined optimal ectomycorrhizal mushroom (Astraeus odoratus) inoculation volume promoting growth in 3 month seedlings of Dipterocarpaceae: Dipterocarpus alatus Roxb. ex G.Don, Shorea obtusa Wall. ex Blume and Shorea siamensis Miq.,. The seedlings were inoculated either 1 or 2 times, separated by one month, at two different dosage levels: 20 and 30 ml/seedling, and compared with non-innoculated control. The results indicate that S. obtusa that were inoculated twice with 20 ml each time showed optimum condition to promote the root ectomycorrhiza of Dipterocarpaceae seedlings under greenhouse conditions. The height of seedling, stem diameter at root neck level, root length, the number of lateral root and biomass of the aboveground part were evaluated approximately, 15.83 cm, 1.72 mm, 853 mm, 990 roots and 7.36 gram, respectively. In addition, the highest percentage of ectomycorrhiza root was 81.31 percent. The presence of DNA specific to A. odoratus in root hosts was ascertained using the GAPK126F and GAPK379R primer combinations, DNA bands representing approximately 250 base pairs , compared to the untreated plants (control) which did not exhibit the DNA band.. This study may be of use in optimizing the production of A. odoratus for promoting growth in Dipterocarpaceae.
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King Mongkut's Agricultural Journal
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