Effects of White Rice Bran Supplementation on Ruminal Degradability and Nutrient Digestibility in Beef Cattle

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Boontharika Plangsungnern
Saowaluck Yammuen-art
Norakamol Laorodphan


The aims of this study were to analyse chemical compositions, ruminal degradability and nutrient digestibility in beef cattle of concentrate with different level of white rice bran. Concentrate with different level of white rice bran including T1 (0%), T2 (10%), T3 (20%) and T4 (30%) were formulated. Chemical composition were analysed by proximate analysis. Four fistulated Thai native beef cattles were used for ruminal degradability and nutrients digestibility. Ruminal degradability were analysed by nylon bag technique at 2, 4, 8, 10, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 h. The nutrients digestibility were analysed by in vivo digestibility. The experimental design of in vivo digestibility was 4x4 Latin square designs. The data of feed intake, refusal and fecal were carefully recorded. The results found that DM and OM decrease by level of white fine rice bran (P<0.05) EE T3 (20%) and T4 (30%) were the highest significantly (P<0.05). Even though the DM disappearance (%) were not significantly different. The soluble fraction (a) of T1 (0%) was the lowest (P<0.05). Furthermore, CP digestibility was quadratic decreased (P<0.05). NDF and ADF nutrient digestibility of T2 (10%) was significantly highest (P<0.05). These results are concluded that concentrate containing white rice bran 10% can be supplement in cattle.

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